Mitch Axelrod: Big IP Versus Little IP

The following article is excerpted from my notes of a talk that Chief Encouragement Officer Mitch Axelrod gave at the final JV Alert Live conference in Denver, Colorado at the end of April 2014. Here are a few of Mitch’s key points.

IP (Intellectual Property) is a spiritual game.

The most valuable real estate in the world is the 6 inches between your ears. And the good news is that you own it.

Mitch Axelrod

Big doors swing on little hinges. [That means, you can create incredible impact with little actions.]

If you really learn how to listen, you’ll get everything you want in life.

Intellectual property is a collaborative game. Information products are a sales game.

Don’t look at your book as a product. Look at it as a sample.

Information products are a zero sum game. Customers buy it or they don’t.

Shift from the McDonald’s way of thinking to the Burger King way of thinking: Have it your way!

Content is the currency of the new game of business.

With little IP (information products), you are a vendor. With big IP (intellectual property), you are a partner.

Sell the value before you create the form. Better yet, sell the value and let your customers create the form they want.

Here’s a key question to ask yourself: Can you help your customers’ customers? In one transaction, Mitch sold a 5-person company 10,000 copies of a book — to give to their 10,000 customers!

No matter what business you are in, you’re in the publishing business.

Rent your content. Don’t sell it.

Information is abundant. That makes it worthless. Wisdom is valuable because it is much scarcer.

As an IP creator, you are in the transportation business and in the transformation business.

Ask yourself: Where to you want to go? Who do you want to be?

Learn more about Mitch Axelrod and the new game of business at

About John Kremer

John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- .

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