Infographic: Are You a Creative Person?

Here are the 9 rules for a creative person (or at least one person’s vision of such rules):

1. Do more than what you’re told to do. – Actually this applies to anyone creating, selling, marketing, or even doing grunge work.

2. Try new things. – Always good advice, again for anyone.

3. Teach others about what you know. – That’s what writers do naturally.

4. Make work into play. – That’s why I’m the Book Marketing Ambassador of Fun!

5. Take breaks. – Or make breaks :)).

6. Work when others are resting. – Creative people tend to put in a lot more work than others.

7. Always be creating. – And always keep having fun.

8. Make your own inspiration. – Your creative impulse must come from within you, but you must also use what happens outside you to inform and inspire you.

9. Love what you do, or leave. – My idea: Love what you do, or find a way to love what you do.

Rules of a Creator's Life

Source of graphic:

About John Kremer

John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- .

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