Mobile Marketing Stat of the Day: April 8, 2014
According to a study by comScore, Instagram users in the U.S. spend 98% of time on the social network via mobile which, of course, is to be expected, given that Instagram was designed to be accessed only via mobile (and only later became accessible via the web on computers). But, what’s more surprising is that […]
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.
Alert: Pinterest Closed
Pinterest is closed. Pinterest will not be accessible on February 29th, 30th, or 31st. Please share! Note: Chances are that this is also true for Facebook, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social networks. And it’s not even April 1st yet! Do you want to know more on how to use Pinterest to drive traffic […]
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.
How Great Images Boost Your Social Media Marketing
If you want to sell more books and influence more people, you really have to learn how to use images and graphics in marketing your books, creating content for your blog or website, and maximizing your exposure and reach via social media. Listen in to this great Social Media Marketing Podcast where Michael Stelzner interviews […]
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.
Using Images to Increase Your Book Sales
In the world of social media today one thing is clear: Images are in. While Pinterest and Instagram are build around images, all the other social networks are now emphasizing images as well, including the recent change in Twitter’s policies not only to include images and photos but to present them in the user’s Twitter […]
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.