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Seth Godin on The Bestseller Effect
Here is a new article that Seth Godin shared via email. He makes some great points on how bestsellers are created. This is definitely worth reading: There are two markets for books (and music). The first market consists of grazers, collectors, or omnivores. They make the market happen. They read a lot of books. They visit the […]
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.
Seth Godin on Horizontal Book Launches
Reposted courtesy of Seth Godin I’ve explored a variety of ways to get to market with the books I’ve created over the last thirty years. I’ve self-published, worked with most of the major NY publishing houses, did a partnership with Barnes and Noble and another with Amazon — all as a way to solve the […]
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.