If you want to sell more books and influence more people, you really have to learn how to use images and graphics in marketing your books, creating content for your blog or website, and maximizing your exposure and reach via social media.
Listen in to this great Social Media Marketing Podcast where Michael Stelzner interviews Donna Moritz, founder of Socially Sorted, which helps small businesses achieve more with visual social media. Sadly, this Libsyn podcast is no longer available.
Be sure to check out my related article: http://bookmarketingbestsellers.com/using-images-to-increase-your-book-sales.
Here are some key points from this social media marketing podcast:
Use Images — Visual social media marketing involves using images and videos to share a message or tell a story.
Images Process Quickly — People make decisions and take action quicker when moved by images.
People Are Drawn to Images — We connect emotionally to images.
Images Rule — Internet content has gone from long articles to shorter blog posts to even shorter Facebook posts to 140-character tweets. And finally to images via Pinterest and Instagram.
No Words Required — Images don’t always require any words or description.
Smartphones Rule — Mobile phones with cameras have made images even more popular.
Images Can Vary — Images can be graphics, photos, slides, videos, Vines, infographics, screen shots, and text-based images (quotegraphics)
People Interact with Images — People like to click on images, like them, share them, comment on them, and even save them.
Shared Content Dominates — 80% of content on Pinterest and Facebook is shared content. Only 20% is original.
Podcast source: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/visual-social-media-with-donna-moritz
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.
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