Check out these funny stories, observations, and jokes having to do with bookstores, book buyers, and booksellers.
Tweet: I watched a woman demand that my coworker give her a haircut. I work at a bookstore. — @lindseyfever
A customer in a bookstore approached an employee to ask where the birding section was. After pointing towards the section, the bookseller asked, “Is there anything specific you are looking for?” “Yes, my husband,” replied the customer.
Tweet: Two poets meet in a bookstore. One looks despondent. “They don’t even stock my books.” “That’s a shame,” says the other. “They’re sold out of mine.” — @HenryMcEric
Tweet: An older woman came into the bookstore today. I made a joke about a credit card reader issue and she said “these things are all programmed by twenty-five-year-old boys who don’t comment their code” and somehow we ended up having a great conversation about programming and biases. — @WrrrdNrrrdGrrrl
Bookstore chalkboard: Books: The Only Thing You Can Buy That Makes You Richer.
Tweet: Bookstore joke: back at Oxford Books; “Someone needs help in the self-help section.” best announcement ever. — @missjillpr
Tweet: On the occasion of Joe Biden’s denial of sexual harassment, let’s lift the moratorium on the old bookstore joke: “Have you looked in the fiction section?”
Bookstore chalkboard: Want to become ridiculously attached to people who don’t exist and then mourn their untimely deaths and terrible decisions? Right this way!
Tweet: Customer’s child is doing a project on dinosaurs. Customer cannot believe our bookstore doesn’t have a single book with actual photographs of real dinosaurs. — @WaterstonesPicc
If you see me in a bookstore, you know I am happy. I’m a book sniffer. Ah, the smell of books! — Gabrielle Union, actress
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.