Email Marketing Infographic: 37 Email Marketing Stats

Check out this email marketing infographic with some very informative statistics that could change how you do your email marketing.

Email Marketing Tips

Here are a few of the statistics from the above email marketing infographic:

The total number of email accounts is expected to increase to over 4.3 billion worldwide by the end of 2016 (Radicati Group).

Over 53% of emails are opened on mobile devices (Campaign Monitor).

72% of people prefer to receive promotional content through email compared to 17% who prefer to get promotions via social media (MarketingSherpa).

Transactional emails are 8 times more likely to be opened than other types of email. They also generate up to 6 times more revenue (Experian).

81% of online shoppers who receive emails based on previous shopping habits are likely to make a purchase as a result of a targeted email (eMarketer).

Personalized email messages improve click-through rates by 14% and conversions by 10% (Aberdeen).

Marketers have found up to a 760% increase in revenue from segmented campaigns (Campaign Monitor).

Email marketing has an ROI of 3800% (DMA).


About John Kremer

John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- .

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