How to Be a Great Compelling Writer

If you’d like to be the kind of writer readers love to read, the kind of writer readers come back to again and again, then learn these 16 rules on how to be a great compelling writer.

Keep learning new words.
Create a writing space that is quiet and allows you to think clearly.
Read a lot: different styles, different genres, different content.
Write about people. Never write about things alone.
Become a poet. Learn the rhythms, imagery, and word choice of poetry.

How to be a Great Compelling Writer - If you'd like to be the kind of writer readers love to read, the kind of writer readers come back to again and again, then learn these 16 rules on how to be a great compelling writer.

Find the best path for you, no matter how hard, no matter how easy. Be true to your soul.
Make people cry, laugh, whistle, or gasp in surprise—or think.
Listen to your readers. Always.
See what everyone else is doing. But do what you love, what is in your heart and in your soul.
Believe in yourself.
Journal every day. Observe, listen, feel, question, write, sing!
Write the unusual. Say the weird.
Always use the right word. Don’t settle for something less.
Share your passion.
Tell stories. Write about people, their lives and their passions.
Write every day. Learn how you want to say things, how you want to speak.

About John Kremer

John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- .

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