Would you like to get paid for your writing, again and again? Here are some websites that will pay you as an author to write for them.
Airtasker: https://www.airtasker.com/writing — A community platform that connects people who need to outsource tasks and find local services with people who are looking to earn money. From simple to complicated tasks, Airtasker helps people complete their home cleaning, handyman jobs, admin work, photography, graphic design, copywriting, or even build a website. Alexa: 19,432 in January 2020.
The Barefoot Writer: http://www.thebarefootwriter.com/free-report — Motto: Freedom-filled living through well-paid writing. Sing up for their daily email newsletter, The Writer’s Life, and get a free report: It’s True! You Can Make a Very Good Living as a Writer: Here Are 9 Ways You Can Do It Now. Alexa: 173,746 in January 2020.
HubPages: http://www.hubpages.com — An online publishing community that rewards writers with money, recognition, and readership. HubPages is a network of sites where people write about their passions! They currently have over 200,000 published users. Authors retain ownership of their content. Alexa: 3,482 in January 2020.
HubPages gives writers a free, search-enabled, online ad-equipped writing platform. HubPages then uses its in-house technology to run the best possible ads within the content, and shares a percentage of the ad revenue with the writer.
iWriter: https://www.iwriter.com/writer-application — Writers write any type of custom content: articles, article rewrites, blog posts, ebooks, product descriptions, and more. You can earn up to $80 for 500 words. Alexa: 16,241 in January 2020.
TextBroker: https://www.textbroker.com/authors — TextBroker gives you access to thousands of project to turn your writing skills into cash. More than 100,000 content orders are brokered via TextBroker every month. Alexa: 16,668 in January 2020.
If you are just starting out or are an experienced professional, Textbroker gives you access to thousands of writing opportunities for each topic. Choose when and how much content you write – there is no limit to how much you can earn.
Wikinut: http://www.wikinut.com — You can make money with Wikinut in three ways: write pages, review pages, and invite friends. Categories include business, celebrities, family, gambling, guides, health, humor, jobs, money, news, reviews, travel, and writing. Alexa: 230,171 in January 2020.
Here is a list of 54 websites that will pay you to write: http://www.freedomwithwriting.
And one more resource: 10 High-Paying Sites That Pay You to Write – https://www.freelancerfaqs.com/are-there-high-paying-sites-for-freelance-writers
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.