Google Search Rankings: A Case History

For the past two months, while working for an author client, I’ve been designing and promoting a website on how wind turbines kill birds. The website,, promotes John Graves’s book, Broken Wing: Birds, Blades and Broken Promises.

Broken Wing by John Graves

With two months of work, here are the results for Google searches (using an incognito search):

#1, #2, and #3 Wind Farm Bird Apocalypse

#1 and #2 broken promises of wind

#1 and #2 bird lover’s alert and now #1 through #7

#1 11 Ways to Kill Big Wind Projects – also related links: #2 through #6 (linking back to the original blog post)

#1 and #2 birds and blades

#1 and #2 beat big wind

#3, #4, and #5 oily bird meme

#4 just say no to wind

#5 and #6 bird-smart wind energy (without the hyphen #4)

#6 and #7 fight big wind

#7 save the golden eagles

#11 German Wind Farm Opposition

#17 30-year eagle take rule

#21 wind power politics

#21 to #23 wind turbine politics

#24 friends against wind

In less than two months, the site has had almost 8,000 page views. Most of the traffic is currently coming from Facebook and Twitter. Also, of course, the search engines have now discovered most of the pages on the website so it’s getting more organic search visits as well.

And here are the incognito rankings for the Bing search engine:

#2 and #4 Wind Farm Bird Apocalypse

#1 and #3 broken promises of wind

#1 and #2 bird lover’s alert

#1 and #4 11 Ways to Kill Big Wind Projects

#1 and #3 birds and blades

#2 ad #3 beat big wind

#1 oily bird meme

(not ranked in first 3 pages) just say no to wind

#4 bird-smart wind energy

#1 fight big wind

#2 save the golden eagles

#1 German Wind Farm Opposition

#2 30-year eagle take rule

#31 wind power politics

#15 wind turbine politics

(not ranked in first 3 pages) friends against wind

Those are pretty good rankings for relevant terms, most on the first page, a few on the second or third search pages.

How did I get these ranking for key terms? Primarily by writing good content related to those key words. And then sharing those blog posts on Facebook and Twitter.

The book title, Broken Wing, still doesn’t rank — primarily because of the Martina McBride song by the same name.

The website is now inactive, but the book is still for sale on

About John Kremer

John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- .

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