In his Real Fast Results Podcast, Daniel Hall interviews Elliot Katz who, as a self-publisher, has sold thousands of dollars in foreign rights to 24 countries and counting!
Step 1: Suitable for foreign? Ask yourself: Is my book suitable for foreign language sales? If yes, go to Step 2.
Step 2: Fills a universal need? Ask yourself: Does your book meet a universal need? If yes, go to Step 3.
Step 3: Write a great email pitching your book to foreign rights buyers (see sample below). When done, go to Step 4.
Step 4: Locate foreign rights agents. Check out John Kremer’s Literary, Subsidiary, and Foreign Rights Agents report which features almost 325 literary agents that buy or sell foreign rights.
Step 5: Send email. Send to 20, 30, 50, to 100 agents. Keep all agents updated as you sell rights and get more publicity.
Step 6: Accept offers. Get ready for the offers you’ll receive. When you get an offer, check it out carefully.
Step 7: Negotiate a contract. The contract will include the following details: their suggested retail price (in their currency, but should be translated into U.S. dollars), the size of their first printing, and the royalty rate. It’s reasonable to ask for an advance based on the first printing amount x the retail price x the royalty rate.
Key note: Include in the contract a provision that says if they don’t publish your book within 18 months, the rights revert back to you (i.e., the contract is cancelled and you keep the advance).
Step 8: Promote your book. Offer to promote your book in the foreign country. Tell them you’ll do webinars, social media, teleseminars, Google Hangouts, Skype interviews, etc.
Here’s the email letter that works in selling foreign language rights for your book:
Subject: Foreign Language Rights Available for Being the Strong Man A Woman Wants
Dear [Name of Buyer]:
I am a bestselling author. I am writing to inquire about your interest in buying foreign language rights to a great book.
Rights to my book Being the Strong Man A Woman Wants have already been sold in 24 countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
The English edition is sold in the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and the United Kingdom.
There is extensive media interest in my book and, thus, I have reason to believe that sales would be robust in the languages that you handle.
I’ve been interviewed about the book on more than 200 radio and TV shows in the U.S., Canada, and Singapore.
Here is link to a TV interview on Breakfast Television, the morning show with the largest audience in Canada:
Winner of the USA Book News Best Books Award for books on men, the book is receiving wonderful reviews:
“For all those sensitive New Age guys out there who want to improve their love lives and themselves.” — The Edmonton Sun
“The wisdom is remarkable.” — The Oklahoman
“Full of useful examples on how to be a better man” — Clarence Bee, Buffalo NY
“A minuscule investment for improving, much less saving, a marriage.” — Lazer Brody, Lazer Beams
It’s a book written for men that women buy and give to the men in their lives and say, “This is all I have been trying to tell you all these years!”
Read the reviews on Amazon: Being the Strong Man A Woman Wants: Timeless wisdom on being a man — see
The book is 128 pages and retails in the US for $12.95 US.
If you’d like a reading copy, please reply with a mailing address. I look forward to hearing from you.
Elliott Katz
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.