If you’re ever at a loss for words — on what to write about for your blog, or for that new chapter in your book, or for that plot twist to your novel, here’s a book you should keep at your side: 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts, Volume 2: More Ideas for Blogs, Scripts, Stories and More by Bryan Cohen.
Below are the prompts for writing about fitness, but the book includes many more prompts including for the past and future, morning and night, the 1960s and 70s (and more), winners and losers, aliens and zombies, anger and kindness.
Fitness Prompts
Would you consider yourself a physically active person? Why or why not? Do you want to become more active? Why or why not?
If there was a cheap and easy way to become extremely athletic and fit, do you think it would be worth it? Why or why not? What value might you lose in not having to put in the hard work?
What is your preferred type of exercise and why? Do you have more fun doing this exercise alone or with others and why?
Imagine you have to go on a special diet to either lose weight or avoid an allergic reaction. How would your view of food change? What foods would you miss the most and why?
How important is fitness to you on a scale of “the couch is my friend” to “I can’t live without it?” Do you think you’ll always have the same viewpoint? Why or why not?
In many ways, the key to fitness is motivation. What is your #1 motivation to stay or get in shape and why? How could you motivate yourself even more in the future?
You’ve been cast as a superhero in a major motion picture! Before you can celebrate, you need to work out four hours a day and eat a very specialized diet to get in superhero shape. How would you handle putting so much time into your fitness?
Is it worth it? Why or why not?
You are running your first marathon! Describe how you feel during the grueling event. What might have motivated you to take up this challenge?
You are working out at the gym and you see someone in much better shape right next to you. Does seeing this person motivate you to work harder or does he or she intimidate you? Why?
Obesity is a major issue, especially for kids. What do you think is causing this epidemic? What does all this obesity say about our society and why does it say that?
13 Creative Ways to Come Up with Blog Post Ideas So You Never Wonder What to Blog About Next!: https://www.authorityhacker.com/blog-post-ideas.
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.