Fun Viral Book Trailer: Incredibly Easy to Duplicate for Any Book

Now here’s a cool book trailer, that’s not a trailer. It’s for Jennifer Belle’s novel The Seven Year Bitch. It simply features various women reading the book and loving it — laughing and laughing and laughing. Doesn’t this make you want to read Jennifer’s novel as well?

I bet this video has received more than the 450 or fewer views Belle’s official book trailers received.

The Seven Year Bitch by Jennifer Belle

You can easily create a similar book trailer for your book. Just gather a few friends around your home. Give them a copy of your book. Point them to a page where your book is really funny — or really sad. Have them start reading. Then record their reactions.

Of course, be sure to get a signed model release that gives you permission to use their images and reactions in a video you upload to YouTube and your website (and Pinterest, Facebook, etc.).

Why not make a viral video today?

If you do create such a video, let me know. I’ll post the video here.

About John Kremer

John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- .

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    • Anna Erishkigal
    • August 14, 2013

    I clicked through to the additional trailers they had and they’re all hilarious! And cheap, too!

  1. Pingback: Book Publishing | Pearltrees

  2. Good idea. I might try this. Thank you.

  3. Pingback: Book Marketing Tip of the Week: August 14, 2013 | Book Marketing Bestsellers

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