Hundreds of Places for Authors to Speak and Present

There are dozens of places where you can speak in your local area or a nearby city. Plus, of course, there are hundreds of more places that love authors who speak and present — especially in cities where you might be traveling for business, for media appearances, for vacations, or for family gatherings.

Author Speaking Engagements: There are dozens of places where you can speak in your local area or a nearby city. Plus, of course, there are hundreds of more places that love authors who speak and present — especially in cities where you might be traveling for business, for media appearances, for vacations, or for family gatherings.

Where can you speak or give presentations? Here are a few obvious venues and many other venues which might not be as obvious.

bookstores, both indie booksellers and chain bookstores

libraries, both public and private, both general and specialized

specialty retailers (craft shops, mind/body/spirit shops, pet stores, natural food stores, etc.)

community centers

adult learning centers

colleges, high schools, universities, elementary schools (for children’s books)

cooking schools and gourmet shops

centers for the arts

nature centers

museums (art, science, children’s, transportation, history, and more)

halls of fame (Find 60+ halls of fame here:

podcasts, webinars, hangouts, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Skype, and more

See also Speaking Opportunities for Book Authors (for a list of venues around the country)

About John Kremer

John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- .

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Kimberley Clayton Blaine, author of Mommy Confidence
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John Kremer Fan Club: Kimberley Clayton Blaine, Author of Mommy Confidence