Energy Times Magazine
Integrated Publishing
548 Broadhollow Road
Melville NY 11747-3708
Phone: 631-777-777
Fax: 631-755-1064
Published ten times a year by the producers of Nature’s Plus supplements, Energy Times reviews books on childhood health, pregnancy, self-help, environmental issues, food, alternative health, nutrition, medical disorders, raw food, nutrition, etc.
Motto: Enhancing your vitality through nutrition, health, and harmony (3/16).
Energy Times Magazine Editors
Allan Richter, Editor. Email: Answers questions in his Life Coach column. Interviewed supermodel Christie Brinkley, author of Timeless Beauty (3/16).
Lisa James, Managing Editor. Email: In a column on cardiac troubles, she quoted author Gerald Jampolsky; John Lynch, author of When Anger Scares You; and The Emotional Way to Cardiac Health by Arthur Nezu, Christine Nezu, and Diwakar Jain (2/06). Featured the following three book notices: Vimala McClure’s The Tao of Motherhood, Leigh Fortson’s Embrace Release Heal, and A Day at elBulli (5/11). Featured cookbook excerpts from Kath Eats Real Rood and Cookouts Veggie Style by Jolinda Hackett (6/11).
Featured Herb Gardening from the Ground Up (4/12). Reviewed Barbara Rodriguez’s The Organic Nanny’s Guide to Raising Healthy Kids and Susan Weissman’s Feeding Eden (9/12).
Reviewed Jennifer Trainer Thompson and Johanna Seddon’s Eat Right for Your Sight; also excerpted a recipe from the book (3/16).
Corinne Garcia, Contributing Writer. Listed four books on home food preservation in an article on fermented food (2/11).
Linda Melone, Contributing Writer. Featured quotes from several book authors in an article on cold-pressed juices and cold-brewed coffees: Kevin Sinnott, author of The Art and Craft of Coffee; Mimi Kirk, author of The Ultimate Book of Modern Juicing; and Pat Crocker, author of The Juicing Bible (3/16).
Energy Times Magazine Online
Energy Times Pitching Tips
If your author is famous, pitch an interview to the editor.
If your book provides solid information and advice, send a review copy to the managing editor.
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.