April is National Poetry Month. To celebrate, why not post a new poem to your blog every single day of April. Celebrate poets. Celebrate poetry.
Here’s an example of what you can do . . .
Get ready, friends, because this year Black Lawrence Press is going all out to celebrate National Poetry Month.
First of all, we’ll be posting a new poem to our blog every single day this month. In order of appearance, here is our killer lineup:
Sandra Kolankiewicz, B.C. Edwards, Lisa Fay Coutley, Keith Taylor, Simone Muench, Joe Wilkins, Lawrence Matsuda, Kevin Pilkington, Marcela Sulak, Helen Marie Casey, Amelia Martens, Matthew Gavin Frank, Sarah Suzor & Travis Cebula, Brandi George, Elizabeth Cantwell, Caleb Curtiss, Carol Guess & Daniela Olszewska, Valerie Bandura, Kristy Bowen, Brad Ricca, Maggie Schwed, James Reidel, Charlotte Pence, Jenny Drai, Bettina Judd, Scott Alexander Jones, Nick McRae, Marc McKee, Brittany Cavallaro, and the newly married Jessica Piazza.(Congratulations, Jess!)
The first poem has already been posted. Check it out here.
But that’s not all! This month only, for the low price of $34.95, you will receive five Black Lawrence Press chapbooks AND a manuscript consultation from Shane McCrae! Details here.
And here’s the best part about National Poetry Month: we promise, by the time the last poem has been posted to our blog, winter really will be over.
Best wishes for a fantastic April,
Diane & the BLP Crew
About John Kremer
John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationships Matter Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.